Here are links to every inidvidual post for the POR:
- Creation (The beginning of the kingdom of God)
- The Fall of Man (Death and Separation Enter the Garden)
- God’s promise to Adam after the fall (God’s victory over Satan)
- Noah (God’s mercy in the midst of judgement and His promise to never destroy the earth again by flood – the rainbow)
- Abraham (The Abrahamic Covenant)
- Isaac (The Covenant is passed on to Isaac)
- Jacob (The Covenant is passed on to Jacob and the 12 tribes – his 12 sons)
- Joseph (The Israelites grow in numbers and become a nation as Joseph is preserved in Egypt)
- Moses (The Passover + The Exodus out of Egypt)
- Aaron (Priestly Function- Mediator between God and Man…temporarily holds off God’s wrath)
- King David (The Davidic Covenant: Seed (David), Throne (Solomon), Kingdom (Christ)
- Old Testament Messianic Prophecy
- New Testament Messianic Prophecy
- Jesus as the fulfillment of the law and the Prophets (Moses + Elijah)
- Jesus as the Final Passover Lamb (His Death)
- Jesus as the Redeemer from sin and death (His Resurrection)
- Jesus as the Final High Priest (His Intercession before the Father)
- Jesus as the Final Judge (The Book of Life is Opened)
- Kingdom of God is Completed (A New Heaven and a New Earth are Established)